Belize Aquarium Fish

Swimming around in the tropics is like swimming around inside someone's aquarium, which isn't too surprising, since most aquarium fish come from the tropics.   So what qualifies a fish to appear on this aquarium fish page?   Well, if you've got a big enough aquarium then I guess you can keep more or less anything, but I've chosen ones which will fit in an ordinary size aquarium!   The fish below might not actually be suitable to keep in an aquarium, but they look like they're suitable!

blue headed wrasse

This fish is one of the wrasse family, which has lots of members, all characterized by a long body, which often seems to be curved downwards.   This particular wrasse, for reasons which I hope are obvious, is called a blue-headed wrasse.

blue headed wrasse
yellow headed wrasse

and this is a yellow-headed wrasse.

cocoa damselfish

These two are also members of a large family, the damselfish.   On the left is a cocoa damselfish, and on the right is a three-spot damselfish, so called for the black spots on either side of the body and just in front and above the tail.

three-spot damselfish

Another somewhat larger member of the family, the yellow-tailed damselfish.

yellow tailed damselfish
royal grammas

Royal Grammas



jewelfish jewelfish

Squirrelfish like this one seem to have a knack for placing themselves near photogenic backdrops - I took another photo of a squirrelfish which positioned itself right in front of a seafan like this one, and there was even a Flamingo Tongue on the seafan.

Unfortunately, there was a sea whip right in front of it, which obstructed its eye and made the photo unuseable.   Which shows that they're good at backdrops, but lousy at foregrounds.

squirrelfish in front of a sea fan