Brushfoot Butterfly Wallpaper

Speyeria cybele Speyeria cybele Speyeria cybele Cethosia biblis photographed in Cat Tien National Park in December of 2004 using a Canon D60 digital camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens   (1/180th second, f27, ISO 100)
 great spangled fritillary
(Illinois, USA)
great spangled fritillary
(Illinois, USA)
great spangled fritillary
(Illinois, USA) *
red lacewing
(Cat Tien, Vietnam)
Heliconius erato Basilarchia archippus photographed in Volo Bog, northern Illinois, in September of 2003 using a Canon 1Ds camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 400mm   (1/250th second, f13, ISO 100) Basilarchia archippus (was Limenitis archippus) Danaus plexippus
small postman
(Costa Rica)
(Illinois, USA)  *
(Illinois, USA)  *
(Illinois, USA)  *
Danaus eresimus Anetia thirza insignis Anetia thirza insignis photographed in Tangkoko national park in May of 2007 using a Canon 5D camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/180th second, f19, ISO 200)
(Costa Rica)
cloud forest monarch
(Costa Rica)
cloud forest monarch
(Costa Rica)
Idea blanchardii
(Sulawesi, Indonesia)
Nymphalis antiopa photographed at Volo Bog in Northern Illinois using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens   (1/180th second, f16, ISO 100) Aglais urticae photographed in Rostov Veliky in August of 2005 using a Canon 20D camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 400mm  (1/250th second, f8, ISO 200) male Hypolimnas bolina photographed on the island of Vanua Levu, Fiji, using a Canon D60 digital camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens photographed in December of 2004 at the Perfume Pagoda using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens   (1/180th second, f22, ISO 100)
mourning cloak
(Illinois, USA)
small tortoiseshell
male blue moon
(Vanua Levu, Fiji)
common jester
Vanessa atalanta photographed at Moraine Hills State Park, Illinois in August of 2003 using a Canon D60 digital camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens Vanessa atalanta photographed at Volo Bog, Illinois in May of 2003 using a Canon D60 digital camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens Vanessa virginiensis photographed at Volo Bog, Illinois, in July of 2003 using a Canon 1Ds digital camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lense Vanessa cardui photographed at Volo Bog, northern Illinois, in September of 2003 using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/200th second, f19, ISO 100)
red admiral
(Illinois, USA)  *
red admiral
(Illinois, USA)  *
American lady
(Illinois, USA)
painted lady
(Illinois, USA)
Polygonia comma and Polistes exclamans photographed at Moraine Hills State Park in August of 2003 using a Canon D60 digital camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM lens Polygonia comma photographed in Moraine Hills state park, Illinois, in September of 2003 using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens   (1/200th second, f16, ISO 100) Polygonia satyrus photographed at Big Morongo Valley, California, using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/180th second, f27, ISO 100) Morpho sp
comma butterfly and paper wasp
(Illinois, USA)  *
comma butterfly
(Illinois, USA)  *
satyr anglewing
(California, USA)
blue morpho
(Costa Rica)
Caligo sp Thauria aliris photographed in November of 2007 using a Canon 5D camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/180th second, f16, ISO 200) Junonia lemonias photographed in November of 2007 using a Canon 5D camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/180th second, f22, ISO 200) Junonia almana photographed in December of 2004 using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens   (1/180th second, f22, ISO 100)
owl butterfly
tufted jungle king
lemon pansy
peacock pansy
Junonia coenia (formerly Precis coenia) photographed at Dead River, Illinois Junonia genoveva (formerly Precis genoveva) Marpesia berania Marpesia berania
common buckeye
(Illinois, USA)
tropical buckeye
(Tikal, Guatemala)
Marpesia berania
(Costa Rica)
Marpesia berania
(Costa Rica)
Marpesia iole Anartia fatima Anartia jatrophae Anartia amathea
Marpesia iole
(Costa Rica)
banded peacock
(Costa Rica)
white peacock
(Costa Rica)
scarlet peacock
Inachis io photographed in August of 2005 using a Canon 20D camera and Canon 100-400mm image stabilized lens set to 400mm  (1/250th second, f6.7, ISO 200) Phyciodes tharos Microtia elva photographed in August of 2004 using a Canon D60 digital camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/180th, f19, ISO 100) photographed in Cuc Phuong national park in December of 2004 using a Canon D60 camera and Canon 100mm f2.8 USM macro lens  (1/180th second, f22, ISO 100)
female pearly crescentspot
(Illinois, USA)
The Elf
* Butterflies marked with an asterisk have the corresponding caterpillar on the caterpillar wallpaper page.